Physical TherapyCorrective Exercises


Have you ever wondered what you can do to unlock your maximum physical capabilities? Even without injury if you’re just using sports therapy as a way to better yourself as an athlete there is untapped potential there. How do you go about unlocking that?

Even if you’re not an athlete; you just want to have workouts without pain, better balance, and increased mobility there’s something you might be missing out on. You need to look into the power of corrective exercises in physical therapy.

No, you don’t have to have an injury to benefit from physical therapy. In fact, corrective exercises can help you lower the risk of injury. Corrective exercises can help you improve your movement in everyday life, overcome any physical limitations, and get you through to another level.

What are Corrective Exercises and How Do They Help?

Corrective exercises are Somewhat self-explanatory by their name—they provide correction. What we mean is that through specialized exercises, we can improve bad movement patterns and muscle imbalance. These exercises while often used in injury recovery are very effective for everyday life—injured or not.

This component of physical therapy can lead to improved posture, alignment, and muscular balance. By correcting these things, you can reduce your risk of injury when working out or doing any physical activity.

For example, if you tend to be a person who stands on their feet wrong like an underpronator or an overpronator that can be corrected. Using particularly targeted exercises that help you focus on stance and load balance, you can correct that and lessen the wear and tear on your feet.

These exercises even though not specifically just for injuries are perfect for regaining strength and mobility during recovery. Corrective exercises also can retrain your mind and your body to move properly and avoid future injury. If you rest your body and the muscles heal after an injury but you don’t correct the root cause you’re bound to be injured again. These specialized exercises are designed to prevent that.

At Atlas Sports Therapy, we don’t want to continue to treat symptoms of an injury. We want to treat the root cause. Most injuries due to physical activity or sports can be attributed to muscular imbalance and improper movement.

Our goal is to train those bad habits out and replace them with good habits so you can unlock your full potential.

Types of Corrective Exercises for Different Situations

There are no universal corrective exercises that apply to any and all situations. The exercises are tailored to your specific limitations, physical condition, and other circumstances. For example, if you have a muscle imbalance we will use exercises that target the exact opposite of what you’re doing incorrectly. So, we will target the weaker muscles to make them stronger and show you how to keep them strong.

If you have joint pain we’ll look at exercises that strengthen the muscular system around the specific joint to relieve pressure off of it. Of course, the exercises that are used will also depend on which joint it is and the condition of the muscle surrounding it.

A lot of other problems arise due to bad posture which is often created when someone is compensating for pain elsewhere. For example, with muscular imbalance, there tends to be a favoring that leans more on one group of muscles than the other. That creates that imbalance, which can also affect posture. Over time, bad posture can lead to many spinal issues that can turn more serious. Conditions such as sciatica, herniated discs, and slip discs as well.

No matter what your situation is there is a corrective exercise that can alleviate the problem. The key is having physical therapists on your side that have extensive experience and finding the proper exercise for your situation. At Atlas Sports Therapy, our therapists are highly skilled and have an abundance of experience in the physiology and kinesis involved.

How To Benefit The Most From Your Treatment

We understand that not all patients will be familiar with corrective exercises so they might not understand what’s required of them. If this is something new to you and you want to get the most benefit from this very effective treatment here are the things you can do:

Identify Your Goals- You’ve got to know What you’re wanting to accomplish with corrective exercises. Having that knowledge we’ll help you and our therapists establish a customized plan to reach those goals.

Commit To The Plan- This treatment plan will not work without you being 100% committed and giving your best effort. Show up for each Appointment on time and ready to put in the work without any half-measures. If you do that you will get the results you want.

Be Positive, Trust The Process- Corrective exercises can be a challenge, sometimes you might want to give up. We tend to do that when things seem impossible to us. We promise you, that if you push through and trust the process you will reach your goals.

How To Get Started

Most people tend to think that physical therapy is just a way to recover from an injury. While physical therapy can indeed do that, it’s only scratching the surface.

Physical therapy it’s just as useful even when you’re perfectly healthy. It can help prevent future injuries, relieve chronic pain, and boost the quality of your life overall.

Corrective exercises are one of the core components of physical therapy that is the best for achieving these goals and so much more.

Some people, however, may feel that starting this program is too challenging, but it doesn’t have to be. Let us show you how easy it is to get started.

Book An Appointment At Atlas Sports Therapy- The first step to getting help is looking for it and asking for it. You’ve got to be willing to get out of your comfort zone and trust the experienced therapists here at Atlas. They will be able to assess your physical limitations, the goals you want to achieve and create a custom plan to crush those goals.

Be Patient- It’s tempting to get really motivated and overdo it in your sessions. While we appreciate the passion and dedication, the worst thing you can do is injure yourself. All that will do is set you back and delay your progress. Instead, start with just a few light exercises to get you used to the movements and challenges. You didn’t develop bad habits or muscular imbalance overnight and you won’t correct it overnight either.

Consistency Is Crucial- C remember when we talked about trusting the process this will be the evidence of your trust. Staying consistent and sticking with the program no matter what is absolutely crucial. Without that consistency, you’re literally wasting your time.

Unlock Your Potential With Corrective Exercises at Atlas Sports Therapy

Whether recovering from an injury, trying to see a boost in physical capabilities, or relieving chronic pain—Atlas can help. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and we’ll show you what corrective exercises can do for you!