You Deserve A Life Without Pain
We are here to get you back to a life without limitations from chronic pain through careful and compassionate therapy.
Body Contouring
Seeking To Shape Your Body?
We can fine-tune your body’s shape with contouring methods such as:
- Cavitation
- Radiofrequency
- Lypossage
- Wood therapy
- Dry brushing
Deep Tissue Massage
Relieve Muscle Pain
Massage that improves pain & restricted mobility caused by tension and soft tissue adhesions. Techniques used include:
- Swedish
- Trigger point therapy
- Myofasial therapy
- Stretching
Manual Lymphatic Drainage
Decrease Swelling & Excess Fluid
Hands-on technique designed to activate, stimulate, and cleanse your lymphatic system resulting in decreased swelling and reducing excess fluid caused by trauma or surgery.
Medical Massage
Do You Have Soft Tissue Pain?
Hands on treatment that relieves soft tissue pain through proven massage techniques such as:
- Myofascial therapy
- Gentle joint mobilizations
- Neuromuscular stretching
Pre-Natal Massage
Struggling With Pain Due To Pregnancy?
Specialized massage designed to relieve symptoms that come with pregnancy such as:
- Lower back pain
- Elevated stress
- Swelling/inflammation
Is Your Body Holding You Back From Living Life?
When one part of your body hurts, it affects the rest of the body as well. We don’t just treat pain points and send you on your way. We treat the whole body because it’s all connected.
Do you want to run without pain in your ankles? Hold your kids or grandkids without lower back pain? Maybe you just don’t have the same range of movement as you once did.
We can give you back the things in life that you love with a connected and carefully customized treatment plan that is centered around your body.
We put personal care and sound therapeutic science at the forefront of our core values. When you come to us with your pain and struggles, you should feel welcomed and confident that we are fully vested in your relief and a more fulfilling life.
Our team of carefully vetted therapists not only specialize in the physical aspect of therapy but the emotional. We cater to both spectrums of therapy to give compassionate and conscious treatment that fosters physical healing and self-confidence.

Neck Pain
Why Choose Us?
We are a results driven establishment that uses evidence based techniques to decrease pain and improve mobility. Our focus is to maximize your quality of movement to allow you to have better posture, higher energy levels, and a generally more balanced musculoskeletal system.
The Atlas Sports Difference
Your Pain. Your Care.
Your pain is very personal, so we believe the treatment plan should be as well. We tailor solutions specifically for your needs and comfort level.
Proven Therapies
You deserve the best treatments that deliver results to help you overcome your pain in a facility that is well-equipped to get you back to living your best life.
Whole Body Approach
When you're in pain in one area of your body, it affects your entire body. We treat your pain with a whole body approach to deliver healing throughout.

Your Team Of Pain Specialists
When you come to Atlas Sports Therapy, you’re seeking relief from the pain that is holding you back. We take great pride that you trust us with your care and offer a well-qualified team of certified professionals comprised of:
- Licensed Massage Therapists (LMT)
- Corrective Excercise Specialists (CES)
- Medical Massage Therapists (CMMT)
- Manual Lymphatic Drainage Specialists (MLD-C)
Let's Get You Back To Living Again!
Understanding Lymphatic Therapy
Frequently Asked Questions
It’s a pain management clinic and spa. We offer medical massage, deep tissue, manual lymphatic drainage, prenatal massage, and body contouring.
When we say “pain management” we mean that our services are geared towards being therapeutic to reduce pain. Each of our services, with the exception of “body contouring” is focused on reducing pain.
Symptoms/Reasons for your visit:
Relax – Deep tissue / Lymphatic
Joint Pain – Medical massage
Swelling – Manual Lymphatic Drainage
Post Op – Manual Lymphatic Drainage
Tension Headache – Deep Tissue / medical massage
Muscle tightness – Deep Tissue
Athletic injury/chronic pain – medical massage
Stretching – medical massage
Posture correction/corrective exercises – medical massage
Shorts and tank top / sports bra – medical massage
Undress to your comfort – manual lymphatic drainage – deep tissue
Neck pain – Posture- medical massage
Neck pain – muscle tension/posture – deep tissue–
Inflammation – lymphatic drainage
Retention of fluid – lymphatic drainage
Bloated – lymphatic drainage
Post surgery – lymphatic drainage (for inflammation; ex: cancer patients that had their lymph nodes)- medical massage (to break scar tissue; ex: knee replacement surgery)
Post Cosmetic surgery (Ex: Face lift/ Rhinoplasty/Liposuction/BBL/Tummy tuck/ Mommy makeover) – lymphatic drainage ( 6-12 sessions post surgery to decrease pain, swelling and bruises 2x/week)
It can improve their flexibility, range of motion, reduce pain they may be experiencing with or without movement, decrease muscle compensation, improve posture, activate proper muscle tone in atrophied muscles.
Medical Massage also focuses extensively on balancing the pelvis. A level pelvis is the keystone to the skeletal system. Imbalances in the pelvis can cause compression and pain both above and below the pelvis. It is vital that regardless of the client’s issue, that the pelvis be assessed for any issues that may be affecting the client’s pain.
Physical benefits of sports massage : increases range of motion, helps sports injury heal faster, improves circulation, relieve cramps and spasms, decreases pain levels.
Mental benefits: induces mental relaxation, improves concentration, increases oxygen levels, reduces anxiety and stress.
Yes, our therapists are licensed massage therapists with a minimum 5 yrs of experience. They all graduated from an accredited massage school. They all continue with their education by attending to different continuing education courses such as myofascial release technique, 40 hrs manual lymphatic drainage, aromatherapy courses, trigger point classes, kinesiotape class, and prenatal classes, etc.
We only accept TriWest insurance through the VA. However, massage therapy can be reimbursed by some insurance companies. It is up to the client to contact their insurance company about reimbursement. We can provide our clients with an invoice showing the amount they paid and a superbill if they provide a diagnosis code from a doctor’s prescription.
The shortest session we offer is 30 mins. However, it only applies to follow up visits. Usually we recommend a minimum of 60 mins for their first visit for deep tissue, manual lymphatic drainage, and medical massage. But it could be for any of the following length sessions; 30 mins, 45 mins, 60 mins, 90 mins, 105 mins, and 120 mins.
Fill out our intake form online so we have a clear understanding of your medical history. This will inform us of any contraindications/allergies. Depending on the type of service, we would recommend what to wear for a medical massage only. Any other service you will undress to your comfort level and our therapist will only uncover the area that’s being worked on.
You can call our friendly front desk staff and they can book your appointment over the phone. For this, you’ll need to provide your full name, email address, phone number, and credit card information to schedule your appointment. Or you can book your appointment online by going to our booking site and following the steps there.
In short, most likely. This is especially true for those who come in with chronic pain, muscle tightness/imbalances. Also, those who are new to deep tissue pressure can also expect to be sore. The reason for this is that, once soft tissue becomes restricted and bound up, it creates muscle knots and trigger points. Basically, these are myofascial restrictions. When these restrctions/knots are broken up or reduced, it will create a Delayed Onset of Muscle Sores (DOMS). It is perfectly normal and to be expected for a day or two.
Keep in mind that you can always adjust the pressure by letting your therapist know if its too much or not enough. Letting your therapist know whether the pressure is comfortable or not is vital to prevent pain, which is different from soreness. Most clients refer to the soreness as a “good soreness” or “good pain” the day after your session.
We recommend gym clothes, shorts/leggings/tank top/sports bra for medical massage.